Friday, January 23, 2015

Change is Good

This week there will be no lego challenge because some big, big changes are coming to the blog.  Some will be obvious, some not so much.  The biggest change will be the new format, but don't worry you can still find us at the old address  This weekend I will be doing some very computery things to get things started, so don't mind our dust and we should be back up and running great daily recommended history resources on Monday.

Thursday, January 22, 2015

I'll Pass For Your Comrade by Anita Silvey

The story of the women who fought in the Civil War.
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Resource: Chapter Book
Time: 1861 - 1865
Place: America

Recounting adventures had by women, specifically women who chose to disguise themselves as men, this book brings to light the contribution of women in the American Civil War.  There are seven chapters which together capture whole experience.  There is a first hand account of the experience of the Battle of Bull Run.  The author delves into the motives of women who disguised themselves, the means by which they carried it out, the sometime discovery and life after the war.  In the Battle of Antietam, one of the deadliest of the war, a handful of women fought on both sides.  A recounting of battles from the vantage points of some of these women is shared in some detail.  The text is elaborated with period illustrations and black and white photos.

Potentially Objectionable Content:
There is some detail about the battle including aftermath photos of dead bodies.

Reading Level: grade 5 - 9
Lexile Measure: 1130L
Guided Reading Level: not available

Format Links

Additional Resources:

Find this book and other suggestions from this time period on the History Magpie Timeline.

Wednesday, January 21, 2015

Explorers Who Got Lost by Diane Sensevere-Dreher

Stories of explorers who got lost and sometimes found interesting places.
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Resource: chapter book
Time: 1419-1610
Place: Europe

Written with engaging prose, this book tells the stories of the explorers who got lost and sometimes found unexpected people, places and things.  Rich in information on a variety of explorers including chapters on Bartalomeau Dias, Vasco Da Gama, Christopher Columbus, John Cabot, Ferdinand Magellan, Giovanni Da Verrazano, Jacques Cartier and Henry Hudson.  Some of the explorers did some very unpleasant things in the name of their kings, queens and God.  How they behaved continues to be an issue even today.  I think that this book deals with those issues fairly and without graphic detail.  In addition to the stories on each of the explorers there are side boxes with additional information on topics relating to each story. Examples include conquistadors, slavery and French Explorers.  There is an introduction and a little history to give some back story on Prince Henry the Navigator who got the whole era started.  The back of the book contains a detailed chronology and an excellent index.  Illustrated with black and white cartoons.

Potentially Objectionable Content:

Reading Level: grade 4 - 7
Lexile Measure: not available
Guided Reading Level: not available

Format Links

Additional Resources:

Find this book and other suggestions from this time period on the History Magpie Timeline.

Tuesday, January 20, 2015

The Brooklyn Bridge by Ken Burns

An architectural achievement that has become so much more.
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Resource: video
Running Time: 59 minutes
Rating: not rated

Time: 1869 - 1883
Place:  America

The Brooklyn Bridge was built in a time of monumental change in America, yet it was ahead of its time and still lives on in the consciousness of America. The first part of this early Ken Burn's documentary is devoted to the history of the building of the bridge.  It's architect was John Roebling, a German immigrant and genius, but dead before construction could begin. His son, Washington Roebling completed the masterpiece at great cost to his health and life.  The story is told with photos, some narration, and the words of the people who lived the experience, told through letters and diary entries.  The second half of this documentary is dedicated to what the Brooklyn Bridge has come to mean to the American people with historians and others expounding on the meaning of the bridge.

Potentially Objectionable Content:

Format Link:
Digital Download 

Related Teaching Resources:

Find this video and other suggestions from this time period on the History Magpie Timeline.

Monday, January 19, 2015

Ms. Frizzle's Adventures: Imperial China by Jonanna Cole

Take a trip with the incomparable Ms. Frizzle to Imperial China on a great adventure.
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Resource: picture book
Time: 1000
Place: China

Ms. Frizzle with two of her students travel back in time and place to Imperial China.  She visited a farming village, busy town, silk factory, a Great wall under construction and an imperial palace in Kaifinag.  They traveled in a barge, ox cart, and on foot.  Told from Ms. Frizzle's point of view with lots of fun details and facts not only in the prose but also in the illustrations.  Illustrated by Bruce Degen.

Potentially Objectionable Content:

Reading Level: grade K - 3
Lexile Measure: not available
Guided Reading Level: available

Format Links

Additional Resources:

Find this book and other suggestions from this time period on the History Magpie Timeline.

Saturday, January 17, 2015

Katie's Trunk by Ann Turner

Character and compassion are the main characters in this story of a Tory family during the American Revolution.
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Resource: picture book
Time: 1776
Place: America

Katie's parents were sympathetic toward the crown of England in a time when that was not the popular thing to do.  Enduring teasing at school, Katie worries with her parents at home, then the house is raided.  I will not give away the ending but I will say that character is not defined by political leanings and this is a story about character as it is about the Revolutionary War.  Illustrated by Ronald Himler.

Potentially Objectionable Content:

Reading Level: grade 1 -4
Lexile Measure: 660L
Guided Reading Level: not available

Format Links

Additional Resources:

Find this book and other suggestions from this time period on the History Magpie Timeline.

Friday, January 16, 2015

Lego Challenge 3 - Old Testament

This next challenge is a scene from the Old Testament.  There are so many stories to choose from.  The rules are simple, make a scene out of Legos.

Need some inspiration or information?

Check out these books and videos:
Kings and Carpenters, One Hundred Bible Land Jobs You Might Have Panned or Praised
Prince of Egypt

Check out these websites:
Bible Gateway

When you are done, snap a picture of your creation and share using our linky below.

Welcome to the Lego Challenge!  Link up photos of your Stonehenge lego creations.  I look forward to seeing all the great work.