Tuesday, July 15, 2014

Drive Thru History with Dave Stotts - Columbus, The Pilgrims, and Early Boston

History from the passenger seat of a car, or a Jeep.

Resource: Documentary
Running Time: 86 minutes
Rating: not rated

Time: 1400 - 1770s
Place: Spain, Italy, America, England, Netherlands

The first in the American History series.  Three episodes about 30 minutes each.  Dave Stotts drives around Europe and America telling the history story from the places where the history took place.  Occasionally he drives off in a totally different direction, like Columbus has a piazza in Genoa, ok? With the help of maps and illustrations the story is made clear.  Produced in collaboration with Focus on the Family as might be expected the history is explained from a Christian point of view.  I really like that Dave connects the dots, giving the the back story in each episode.  For instance do you know what Ghengis Khan, Marco Polo and Mohammed have to do with Columbus sailing for the New World?  Dave tells you how.  This video also gets high praise from my kiddos.  They watched it with me and laughed out loud, then asked to watch it again.

Each episode is listed on the timeline separately.
Episode 1 - Columbus
Episode 2 - Pilgrims
Episode 3 - Boston and the Beginning of Revolution

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